In Person | Do My Hair! Hands On Hair Care for Resource Families Caring for Children w/Multi Ethnic Backgrounds

In Person | Do My Hair! Hands On Hair Care for Resource Families Caring for Children w/Multi Ethnic Backgrounds

12:00 pm - 2:00 pm
Guest Instructor: Shor Denny,  CEO Community Now During this hands-on workshop, and while using a hair wash unit for a live demo, participants will better [...]
En Línea |  Panel de Adultos Adoptados

En Línea | Panel de Adultos Adoptados

6:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Un grupo de adultos que fueron adoptados de niños  compartirán sus percepciones acerca de cuestiones de identidad, niños adoptados creciendo, búsquedas y reuniones con los [...]
Online | The Inherent Strengths in Kinship Families 6th module: Co-parenting

Online | The Inherent Strengths in Kinship Families 6th module: Co-parenting

6:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Instructor: Heidi Blue, MSW (A training series developed by Dr. Joseph Crumbley for Kinship Caregivers) The Inherent Strengths in Kinship Families is a training series [...]