Online | A Trauma Informed and Responsive Look at Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD)
Description: Many children coming into care were prenatally exposed to drugs and/or alcohol. In fact, 70% of children diagnosed with FASD, are or have been [...]

En Linea | Primeros Auxilios y CPR
Estas clases proveen información sobre primeros auxilios y CPR para infantes, menores y adultos. Son patrocinadas por el Programa de Educación de Padres de Crianza [...]

Online | Adult Adoptee Panel
A panel of adults who were adopted as children will share their perceptions about identity issues for adoptees, growing up adopted, searches and reunions with [...]

Online | NTDC- Introduction and Welcome-Child Development
(Part of The National Training and Development Curriculum) Description: This session provides an overview of the components of the NTDC curriculum, introduces the idea [...]