Online | Transitioning Children Between Placements
Guest Instructor: Atasha Kelley‐Harris, M.Ed., LCPAA, CFLE
National Director of Family Advocacy, Atasha M. Kelley‐Harris is a child and family services professional who holds a master’s degree in Counseling and currently resides in the suburban Greater Houston Metropolitan area. She has worked in a variety of capacities for several agencies throughout the country, as well as having served a number of years as a consultant reviewer for the Administration for Children, Youth and Families, and Children’s Bureau. Kelley‐Harris is an Associate Member of the National Council on Family Relations, as well as a Certified Family Life Educator and a Licensed child-placing Agency Administrator. Throughout her 26‐year career, she has contributed to the successful healing, permanence, and stability of numerous children, youth, and families, and mentored many child welfare and mental health professionals.
Permanency is a goal foster children, adoptive parents, and child welfare professionals all share, striving to achieve, and celebrate when it finally arrives. As positive as the move might be, it is another disruption, change or transition for the child. Because many children have already endured so many disruptions and transitions, another move can trigger past traumas. So it’s important for children to carefully transition between homes/placements. This course describes both what TO DO and what NOT TO DO to help foster children
transition smoothly from one home (or placement) to another.
Registration will close on Friday, June 10, 2022, at 12pm
***Please Note: This class will be facilitated on the online platform called Zoom. Internet access and access to a computer/laptop/tablet/smartphone is required to attend.
The link to attend this class will be provided at registration.
Please follow the link below for a brief tutorial on how to sign up for a free Zoom account.
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Bookings are closed for this event.