Happy father and son reading book together in bed
Online | No More Grey Lines

Online | No More Grey Lines


3:00 pm - 6:00 pm


0000 Zoom , San Diego
Map Unavailable

Description: This interactive and informative workshop gives you a simple system for identifying the root causes of problematic behavior, whether unintentional and on purpose, and responding helpfully to each type of challenge. You’ll know how to identify and redirect the Top Ten Types of problematic behavior, without reacting in “typical” or “old school” ways that usually cause escalations or unintentional payoffs. You’ll also learn how to follow the “Four R’s of Effective Discipline,” avoid the “Four R’s of Punishment”, and use the “Special Language of Discipline” to teach children self‐discipline.

Registration will close on Monday, December 11, 2023 at 7am 

The Foster-Adoptive Parents Toolshop® training series is a comprehensive 30+ hour evidence-based, trauma informed parenting curriculum for foster and kinship caregivers and adoptive parents. The entire series will be offered over the next 8 months, September 2022, June 2023 and will be taught by the curriculum’s author Jody Johnston Pawel, LSW, CFLE, CTSS.

While each individual workshop is valuable as a stand-alone workshop, when combined they create a parenting system called The Universal Blueprint® for Parenting Success. You can use this universal system to prevent common parenting challenges and plan personalized responses and solutions to those that arise, based on the child, circumstance, and family involved. The series offers an overview of the system and its tools, plus the in-depth workshops in order, so they build on each other.

Don’t worry if you can’t take them all, you can take one, some or as many as you wish! The Series will be offered on the 2nd and 4th Mondays from September 2022 to June 2023 from 3-6pm. Please note there are some 2- part trainings. You must attend both sessions to get credit.

Guest Instructor: Jody Johnston-Pawel, LSW, CFLE

Jody Johnston Pawel is a Licensed Social Worker in the State of Ohio and a Certified Family Life Educator. She is the author of the award-winning The Parent’s Toolshop® book and Founder/CEO of the Relationship Toolshop® International Training Institute. LLC.

Jody Johnston Pawel


***Please Note: This class will be facilitated on the online platform called Zoom. Internet access and access to a computer/laptop/tablet/smartphone is required to attend.

The link to attend this class will be provided at registration.

Please follow the link below for a brief tutorial on how to sign up for a free Zoom account.

Zoom User Guide

Register Here

Bookings are closed for this event.