Rescheduled | Child Centered Transitions - QPI

Rescheduled | Child Centered Transitions - QPI

11:00 am - 12:00 pm
***This class has been rescheduled to January 16th, 2024*** Transitions are an unavoidable part of the foster care experience. Explore strategies for minimizing the trauma [...]
Cancelado | TIPS: Class 688Z (En Español)

Cancelado | TIPS: Class 688Z (En Español)

11/21/2023 - 12/05/2023    
6:00 pm - 9:00 pm
***Esta clase se ha cancelado*** Tips es el programa de formación inicial de 12 horas que se requiere antes de ser aprobado como un padre [...]
Online | Adoptive Matching

Online | Adoptive Matching

6:00 pm - 9:00 pm
This class is for families who are waiting to be matched with a child.  This class does not apply to relative caregivers This class outlines [...]