Search below for information and phone numbers for programs dealing with Foster Care, Adoption, Respite Care, the Resource Parent Mentor Program, Kinship Care Education and much much more!
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Use this link to access information on additional resources available to Resource Parents including discounts, activities, childcare, and more!
Foster Care
(877) 792-KIDS (5437)
If you know someone who wants to become a foster parent, have him/her call the number to get details on a Foster Parent Orientation in their neighborhood.
(800) 200-1222
If you know someone who is looking for the foster parent initial or pre-service classes “TIPS” Trauma Informed Pre-Service. Have them to call this number for information and/or to register:
IMPORTANT: For people who take TIPS, but do not get their Foster Home license right away, TIPS must be completed within the last 12 months at the time of the License application, otherwise it must be repeated. Get your application in ASAP.
(877) 423-6788
En Español llame al (619) 409-3125
If you know someone who wants to adopt a child from the county, have them call for more information.
(800) 200-1222
If your Adoption Social Worker has told you that you need to take the “Adoption Preparation” classes, call the toll free registration line to register.
Respite Care
Effective April 1, 2020, respite services are now administered by the County of San Diego directly.
Peggy Ruefer | (858)285-7437
Natasha Garcia | (858)614-9142
Resource Parent Mentor Program
If you are a Resource Parent through the County of San Diego, you qualify for this unique program designed to increase retention and placement stability of foster care placements. The goal of this program is to ensure that new and current Resource Parents are supported and guided will all of the information and community resources to be effective and the best quality Resource Parents.
It is highly encouraged and recommended that all Foster/Resource Parents take advantage of this valuable opportunity. In addition to being referred by RFA, self-referrals are also accepted. If this interests you and you want more information, please review the Mentor Program brochure or give us a call.
Mentor Program Brochure | English
Mentor Program Brochure | Spanish
(800) 200-1222
Call to have a mentor assigned to assist with issues like systems problems, personal problems, child or biological parent problems, and help in finding resources.
Kinship Care
All meetings are currently held virtually.
Click here for Kinship Support Group Schedule
Click here for Kinship Support Group Schedule Spanish
If you are a relative raising a child such as a grandparent, aunt or uncle; you are a kinship caregiver.
(619) 600-6537
If you, or someone you know, is raising a child either placed by the Juvenile Court or informally, you can call the YMCA Kinship Navigator Program which coordinates support groups. They also have navigators who are able to assist individual kinship caregivers in a wide variety of ways.
Kinship caregivers have expressed a desire for more training in specific areas to help them better meet the needs of the children in their care and themselves as well. You are welcome to attend any of our classes or workshops. Kinship caregivers that are approved Resource Parents are required to complete 8 hours of on-going training each year.
For information about the Kinship Support Groups, please contact the YMCA Kinship Program at (619) 281-8313 or e-mail: . You can also visit the website:
YMCA Kinship Support Program
The YMCA Kinship Support Program provides assistance to caregivers raising relatives’ children or children of close family friends. Services include flexible in-home visits, resource navigation, and support for children affected by trauma. Families can access legal guidance, public benefits, mental health services, and enrichment activities. The program also offers weekly support groups, family events, and respite care for caregivers over 55 years old.
Melissa Brooks, Program Director
Phone: (619) 719-9179 | Email:
Spanish services available
Denti-Cal Provider Directory
Effective July 2016, children in the California foster care system must receive timely health and dental exams, based on periodicity schedules adopted by the program as the California Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnostic and Treatment (EPSDT), which is now the AAP Bright Futures periodicity. Click here to download the PDF.
Please remember to take a Health Visit Report (04-343) to every medical and dental appointment for a child in your care and have it completed and returned.
When To Take Your Child To The Doctors/Dentist:
Child’s Age | Medical Exam | Dental Exam |
Under 1 month | Less than or equal to one month | None |
1 through 6 months | Every 2 months | None |
7 through 15 months | Every 3 months | Every 6 months |
16 through 23 months | Every 6 months | Every 6 months |
2 through 3 yrs | Once a year | Every 6 months |
4 through 21 years | Every year | Every 6 months |
The following are San Diego County CHDP Providers and dental community clinics resources to assist caregivers in identifying appropriate providers for health and dental services:
- County of San Diego CHDP Provider Directory | (619) 692-8808
- San Diego County Dental Community Clinics | (619) 692-8858
- Denti-Cal Provider Directory (Search for Medi-Cal Dental Program Providers)
Join the QPI initiative!
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Urban Surf 4 Kids
To learn more about services, click here »
To learn how to get involved, click here »
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NHA – Head Start!
Neighborhood House Association Head Start is a federally-funded early child development program that provides comprehensive services to children birth – 5 years of age, and to pregnant mothers. Our play-based learning environments support children’s growth in areas such as language and literacy, and cognitive, physical, and socio-emotional development. Head Start emphasizes the role of parents as their child’s first and most important teacher. We build relationships with families that support overall family well-being, to include building healthy parent-child relationships and achieving personal and family goals. We offer center and home-based family support options to help parents raise happy, healthy children. Check out our Google folder for more info.
Are you interested in applying to Head Start? You can apply online or call us at 1-888-873-5145.
Foster Care Sex Abuse
Flexible Virtual Therapy: With Brightline, families can access expert therapy and coaching sessions from the comfort of home, making it easier to get the support children need.
Support for Parents and Caregivers: Brightline also provides resources and guidance for parents, helping them navigate challenges and better support their children’s mental health and well-being.
If you are looking for Kinship resources, please visit the website below to use the California Kinship Navigator – Virtual Support Services.