boy and girl play with dandelions
Online | New! Allied Gardens Support Group #2 - Evening: Teaching Children to Appreciate Diversity

Online | New! Allied Gardens Support Group #2 – Evening: Teaching Children to Appreciate Diversity


6:30 pm - 8:30 pm


0000 Zoom , San Diego
Map Unavailable

June meeting moved to 1st Monday

Meets every 3rd Tuesday of each month

Leader: Lisa de las Alas

Topic: Teaching Children to Appreciate Diversity- Caregivers will discover how to help children develop an understanding that each individual is unique, recognize our individual differences, and appreciate these differences. These can be along the dimensions of race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, socio-economic status, age, physical abilities, religious beliefs, political beliefs, or other ideologies.

Registration will close on Monday, June 3, 2024 at 7am

***Please Note: This class will be facilitated on the online platform called Zoom. Internet access and access to a computer/laptop/tablet/smartphone is required to attend.

The link to attend this class will be provided on the day of class

Please follow the link below for a brief tutorial on how to sign up for a free Zoom account.

Zoom User Guide

Register Here

Bookings are closed for this event.