Young boy is carried by his father as if "flying"
Online | Helping Children Deal with Holiday Blues

Online | Helping Children Deal with Holiday Blues


9:00 am - 12:00 pm


0000 Zoom , San Diego
Map Unavailable

Whether it’s Thanksgiving, Hanukkah or Christmas, any holiday can be difficult for children in care. This training will help you prepare foster and adoptive children for the holidays, include their religions and traditions, and facilitate their connections to parents, siblings, and extended family. The class covers conversations with relatives about how to respect and welcome children in care into celebrations and while respecting their confidentiality, mental health, and behavioral needs. The training will set realistic expectations and discuss specific strategies for dealing with food, gifts, decorations, and other customs that are part of festivities.


Registration will close on Friday, December 8, 2023 at 12pm 

***Please Note: This support group will be facilitated on the online platform called Zoom. Internet access and access to a computer/laptop/tablet/smartphone is required to attend.

The link to attend this class will be provided at registration.

Please follow the link below for a brief tutorial on how to sign up for a free Zoom account.

Zoom User Guide

Register Here

Bookings are closed for this event.