Four multi-cultural girls
In Person | A Refresher on Hair Love: Caring for Multi‐Ethnic Hair

In Person | A Refresher on Hair Love: Caring for Multi‐Ethnic Hair


9:00 am - 12:00 pm


Polinsky Prevention Pavilion
9400 Ruffin Court, Room 15/16 , San Diego, CA, 92123
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If you attended Hair Love in October 2022, this workshop is a refresher course designed to review how it is going on the practical information on hair and skincare that is involved in caring for children of Black/African American and multi‐cultural descent. This course will review skills, techniques and answer questions to assist caregivers in meeting the hair and skincare needs of their children. Participants will also review the understanding and practice of the importance of hair care and image for children in care, cultural implications and applying and understanding the different products that are available. New participants are encouraged and welcome to attend.


9400 Ruffin Ct, Suite A,

San Diego, CA 92123

Register Here

Bookings are closed for this event.