Mar 2025

Online | Developmental Stages and Effects of Child Abuse and Neglect-Teens (12-21 years)
Description: In this workshop, you will engage your creativity while learning about typical adolescent development, typical challenging behaviors they might show, the developmental purpose those [...]

Canceled| TIPS #831Z
**This Class Has Been Canceled** TIPS is the 12-hour pre-service training program that is required prior to being approved as a Resource Parent by the [...]

In Person | QPI Training: Lived Experience Panel
In collaboration with Child and Family Well-Being (CFWB) This inspiring training will provide the opportunity to hear from social workers in San Diego County [...]

En Línea | La Explotación Sexual Comercial de Niños (CSEC)
Instructores: Heidi Blue, MSW El cuidado de crianza es un conducto para la explotación comercial y sexual de los niños. ¡Solo en el condado de [...]

Online | Parenting Teens Support Group: Understanding Behaviors Around Visitation & Tips of What You Can Do
Meets every 2nd Thursday of the month Support Group Leader: MaryJo Meer Understanding Behaviors Around Visitation & Tips of What You Can Do: Visits between [...]

Online | Resource Family Approval (RFA) - A Shared Purpose! Support Group: Resource Parents as Mandated Reporters
Meets every 2nd Friday of the Month **No Meeting July & December** Support Group Leader: MaryAnn Paschal This is an ongoing support group to help all [...]

Online | Positive Parenting / Positive Discipline Support Group
Meets every 2nd Friday of the Month **No meeting November - December** Leader: Carrie Collins This support group will focus on positive parenting/discipline. Caregivers will [...]

Online | TIPS #832Z
TIPS is the 12-hour pre-service training program that is required prior to being approved as a Resource Parent by the County of San Diego. The [...]

Online | Trauma Triggers: How They Get In, Get Activated, and Can Get Treated or Deprogrammed
Description: You’ve seen what happens when trauma triggers get pushed. Now dive under the surface, to understand what happens biochemically as trauma triggers get wired [...]

Online | Foster to Forever Support Group: Building Core Skills Youth Need for Life
Meets every 3rd Saturday of each month **No Meeting in February ** An opportunity to meet with other foster/adoptive families to share experiences, discuss the [...]