Apr 2025

En Linea | TIPS: Class 840Z (En Español)
Tips es el programa de formación inicial de 12 horas que se requiere antes de ser aprobado como un padre de recurso por el Condado [...]

En Línea | Disciplina Positiva ‐ Niños Pequeños
Instructores: Gisella Gomez, MSW Descripción: Que los participantes aprendan cómo usar la disciplina positiva con niños pequeños usando métodos fáciles, respetuosos, amables, eficientes y que [...]

Online | Embracing Your Child’s Heritage
Especially relevant for those who plan to adopt cross-culturally, this class will broaden your awareness of race as an ongoing issue of an individual’s development [...]

Online | Parenting Teens Support Group: Building Core Skills Youth Need for Life
Meets every 2nd Thursday of the month Support Group Leader: MaryJo Meer Building Core Skills Youth Need for Life: According to the Center on the [...]

Online | Resource Family Approval (RFA) - A Shared Purpose! Support Group: Confidentiality
Meets every 2nd Friday of the Month **No Meeting July & December** Support Group Leader: MaryAnn Paschal This is an ongoing support group to help all [...]

Online | Kinship Adoption
This class is for relatives adopting only Designed for those adopting a relative’s child. This class explores life changes, changing roles, and relationships with birth [...]

Online | Positive Parenting / Positive Discipline Support Group
Meets every 2nd Friday of the Month **No meeting November - December** Leader: Carrie Collins This support group will focus on positive parenting/discipline. Caregivers will [...]

Online | TIPS #841Z
TIPS is the 12-hour pre-service training program that is required prior to being approved as a Resource Parent by the County of San Diego. The [...]

Online | Trauma Informed Redirections and Discipline for Problematic Behaviors
Description: This workshop will help to recognize the five types of misbehavior and how to prevent and respond to each type. Families will learn how [...]

Online | Allied Gardens #1 Support Group: Navigating the System
Meets every 2nd Monday of each month **No meetings October & November** Leader: Lisa de las Alas Navigating the System: Do you ever wonder what [...]