Apr 2025

Online| TIPS #838Z

Online| TIPS #838Z

04/02/2025 - 04/14/2025    
6:00 pm - 9:00 pm
TIPS is the 12-hour pre-service training program that is required prior to being approved as a Resource Parent by the County of San Diego.  The [...]
Online | Attachment Parenting 3

Online | Attachment Parenting 3

6:00 pm - 9:00 pm
You will be automatically enrolled in each session by registering in session 1  Series of 6 Tuesday/Thursday - March 20, 25 and April 03, 08, [...]
Online | San Diego Foster Parent Association (SDFPA)-Support Group: Resource Parents as Mandated Reporters

Online | San Diego Foster Parent Association (SDFPA)-Support Group: Resource Parents as Mandated Reporters

6:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Meets every 1st Thursday of each month ***No meetings in July, November, and December*** Leader: MaryJo Meer Resource Parents as Mandated Reporters: The Federal Child [...]
En Línea | Cómo Enseñar a Tus Hijos Sobre Educación Financiera & Privacidad y Tu Huella Digital

En Línea | Cómo Enseñar a Tus Hijos Sobre Educación Financiera & Privacidad y Tu Huella Digital

9:00 am - 11:00 am
En colaboración con  Instructoras: Yeli Fernandez ‐ Certified Financial Coach at Cal Coast Credit Union & Antonia Villaseñor ‐ Outreach Coordinator at DFPI Descripción: En [...]
Online | First Aid / CPR

Online | First Aid / CPR

6:00 pm - 9:00 pm
These classes include First Aid for infants, children, and adults and CPR. They are co-sponsored by the Foster Care Education Program and the local foster [...]
Online | Risk Factors 1 & 2

Online | Risk Factors 1 & 2

04/07/2025 - 04/09/2025    
6:00 pm - 9:00 pm
If you are taking the class as a required adoption class, you must take both parts and together they count as only one of your [...]
In-Person | North County Foster Parent Association (NCFPA) Support Group: How Trauma Impacts Kids in School

In-Person | North County Foster Parent Association (NCFPA) Support Group: How Trauma Impacts Kids in School

10:00 am - 12:00 pm
Meets 2nd Tuesday of the month- In-Person Support Group Leader: Rhonda Oliver How Trauma Impacts Kids in School: This workshop will help caregivers understand how [...]
Online | Bedtime is a Nightmare! Common Bedtime Hassles & Trauma-Related Sleep Issues

Online | Bedtime is a Nightmare! Common Bedtime Hassles & Trauma-Related Sleep Issues

1:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Description: Getting children to bed on time, asleep, and staying there is one of the most common challenges parents face. Foster children can have sleep [...]
En Línea | Desarrollo de Habilidades para la Vida: Enseñanza de Habilidades Esenciales para la Vida a Niños en Acogida

En Línea | Desarrollo de Habilidades para la Vida: Enseñanza de Habilidades Esenciales para la Vida a Niños en Acogida

6:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Instructores: Representantes de Scripps Mercy Hospital’s Well‐Being Center Esta presentación está diseñada para proporcionar a los Padres de Recursos herramientas clave para enseñar habilidades esenciales [...]
Online | Attachment Parenting 4

Online | Attachment Parenting 4

6:00 pm - 9:00 pm
You will be automatically enrolled in each session by registering in session 1  Series of 6 Tuesday/Thursday - March 20, 25 and April 03, 08, [...]
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