Mar 2025

Online | Trauma of Separation and How it Manifests in Developmental Stages
Instructor: Astrid Castro ‐ Adoptee & Founder of Adoption Mosaic Description: This workshop will explore how being separated from birth parents affects adoptees at different [...]

En Linea| Options Grupo de Apoyo- En Español: Conceptos básicos del Centro Regional
Reunión cada 3er miércoles del mes **No habra junta julio-septiembre, & diciembre** Lider de Grupo: Emma Martinez-Tidmore El Programa de Opciones para la Recuperación Perinatal es [...]

Online | What You Need to Know About Working with the Juvenile Court
Instructor: Patty Boles, Resource/Adoptive Parent Description: Involvement with child protective services includes the court system when a child is removed from their home for abuse [...]

Online | Santee Support Group: 5 Steps to Brain Building Serve and Return
Meets every 3rd Thursday of each month **No meetings in June, November & December** Support Group Leader: Carrie Collins 5 Steps to Brain Building Serve and [...]

En Línea | Infantes Expuestos a Drogas y Alcohol
Instructores: Gisella Gomez, MSW Descripción: Este taller proporcionará una descripción general de la abstinencia infantil y lo que necesita saber sobre cómo cuidar al bebé [...]

En Linea | Tips Clasé 834Z (En Español)
Tips es el programa de formación inicial de 12 horas que se requiere antes de ser aprobado como un padre de recurso por el Condado [...]

Online | Attachment Parenting 1
You will be automatically enrolled in each session by registering in session 1 Series of 6 Tuesday/Thursday - March 20, 25 and April 03, 08, [...]

Online |Babies through Preschoolers Support Group: The Early Years Matter
Meets every 3rd Friday of the Month ** No Meetings in July & December** Ongoing training and support will be provided on positive discipline, the [...]

Online | Mindfulness As A Path To Inner and Outer Happiness
Instructor: Bettina Heitmann, Mindfulness Meditation Teacher Description: Brain research confirms the power of mindfulness to affect and change our level of well‐being and happiness. Mindfulness [...]

Online | Yes Brain: Using Brain Science to Solve Children's Behavioral Challenges
Instructors: Nicole Espinosa, LCSW & Kania Webster, Resource/Adoptive Parent Description: Parents want all the good things in life for their children but in today's crazy [...]