Feb 2025
Online | Developmental Signs and Effects of Child Abuse & Neglect‐ Early Childhood (6-11 years)
Description: This workshop will help Resource Families to understand the developmental stages children typically follow and the effects that child abuse and neglect can have [...]
En Línea | Exámenes de Salud para Niños en Acogimiento Familiar: Garantizando una Atención Integral
Instructores: Representantes de Scripps Mercy Hospital’s Well‐Being Center Esta sesión educativa y participativa está diseñada para padres de crianza, brindándoles el conocimiento y las herramientas [...]
En Línea | Factores de Riesgo 1 & 2
Si está tomando la clase como un requisito para una adopción, debe completar ambas partes, y juntas cuentan como una sola de las dos clases [...]
Online | First Aid / CPR
These classes include First Aid for infants, children, and adults and CPR. They are co-sponsored by the Foster Care Education Program and the local foster [...]
Online | TIPS #823Z
TIPS is the 12-hour pre-service training program that is required prior to being approved as a Resource Parent by the County of San Diego. The [...]
Online |Allied Gardens #2 Support Group: Resources Available to RFA Homes
Meets every 3rd Tuesday of each month **No meeting October & November** Leader: Lisa de las Alas Resources Available to RFA Homes: You need resources? [...]
En Linea| Options Grupo de Apoyo- En Español: El Autocuidado para Cuidadores
Reunión cada 3er miércoles del mes **No habra junta enero, julio-septiembre, & diciembre** Lider de Grupo: Emma Martinez-Tidmore El Autocuidado para Cuidadores: Este taller enseñará a [...]
Online | Coming Full Circle
In this class, we will discuss identity, the complexities of transracial adoption, the benefits and concerns of keeping connections, and how adoptive parents can support [...]
Online | Santee Support Group: Supervising Visits as a Resource Parent
Meets every 3rd Thursday of each month **No meetings in June, November & December** Support Group Leader: Carrie Collins Supervising Visits as a Resource Parent: The [...]
En Linea | Primeros Auxilios y CPR
Estas clases proveen información sobre primeros auxilios y CPR para infantes, menores y adultos. Son patrocinadas por el Programa de Educación de Padres de Crianza [...]