Online | Trauma of Separation and How it Manifests in Developmental Stages
Instructor: Astrid Castro ‐ Adoptee & Founder of Adoption Mosaic Description: This workshop will explore how being separated from birth parents affects adoptees at different [...]

En Linea| Options Grupo de Apoyo- En Español: Conceptos básicos del Centro Regional
Reunión cada 3er miércoles del mes **No habra junta julio-septiembre, & diciembre** Lider de Grupo: Emma Martinez-Tidmore El Programa de Opciones para la Recuperación Perinatal es [...]

Online | What You Need to Know About Working with the Juvenile Court
Instructor: Patty Boles, Resource/Adoptive Parent Description: Involvement with child protective services includes the court system when a child is removed from their home for abuse [...]