Online | Santee Support Group: Encouragement ‐ The Language of Love
Meets every 3rd Thursday of each month **No meetings in June, November & December** Support Group Leader: Carrie Collins Encouragement ‐ The Language of Love: Rudolf [...]

En Línea | La Explotación Sexual Comercial de Niños (CSEC)
Instructores: Heidi Blue, MSW El cuidado de crianza es un conducto para la explotación comercial y sexual de los niños. ¡Solo en el condado de [...]

Online | Adopting After Infertility
This class is for couples who are experiencing infertility only Designed for people with infertility issues who are planning to adopt. It will examine grief [...]

Online | NTDC: Trauma Informed Parenting & Effective Communication
Part of The National Training and Development Curriculum Instructors: Robin Thompson, MSW & MaryAnn Paschal, Resource/Adoptive Parent This session helps participants learn the three Rs [...]