En Línea | Volver a Criar al Niño que ha Sido Dañado Emocionalmente

En Línea | Volver a Criar al Niño que ha Sido Dañado Emocionalmente

6:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Instructoras: Gisella Gomez MSW & Hiliana Mendoza, Madre de Recursos/Adoptiva Descripción: Basado en el libro con el mismo nombre, esta capacitación, Volver a Criar al [...]
Online | Adoption the Lifelong Process

Online | Adoption the Lifelong Process

6:00 pm - 9:00 pm
This class explores the various issues that adoptive families face throughout their lifetimes. It covers core issues, how to talk to children about adoption, and [...]
Online | Part 2: Attachment Parenting Refresher

Online | Part 2: Attachment Parenting Refresher

6:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Description: Continuing the conversation and training from Part 1 of the Attachment Parenting Refresher series. This condensed version of the original Attachment Parenting 18 hour [...]