Beyond Consequences

Beyond Consequences

8:30 am - 1:30 pm
SERIES of 4 SATURDAYS – Please plan to attend all four July 16, 23, 30 & August 6 If you’ve done logic, consequences, behavior modification, [...]
Criando De Adentro Hacia Afuera

Criando De Adentro Hacia Afuera

8:30 am - 4:30 pm
 Esta clase y libro analizan el papel de los apegos que usted desarrolló de niño y ahora en la edad adulta como su estilo de [...]
Fostering Changes: Myths, Meaning and Magic Bullets in Attachment Theory

Fostering Changes: Myths, Meaning and Magic Bullets in Attachment Theory

8:30 am - 4:30 pm
Attachment theory proposes that defective attachments produce psychological problems in children that may span a lifetime. Learn what you can do to promote better outcomes [...]
First Aid / CPR

First Aid / CPR

9:00 am - 12:00 pm
These classes include First Aid for infants, children, and adults and CPR. They are co-sponsored by the Foster Care Education Program and the local foster [...]