Specialty Classes
Please Note: Certificates will be e-mailed as a PDF documents 2 weeks after the class
All Classes

Online | Internet Safety: Protecting Children in the Digital Age
Instructors: Israel Lefebre, CFWB Protective Services Worker & Jeanne Schwertfeger, Resource/Adoptive Parent Description: This workshop will equip Resource Parents with the knowledge, skills, and resources [...]

In Person | QPI Training: Lived Experience Panel
In collaboration with Child and Family Well-Being (CFWB) This inspiring training will provide the opportunity to hear from social workers in San Diego County [...]

Online | Crisis Management: Techniques for De-Escalating Situations and Managing Crises in Foster Care Settings
Instructors: Representatives from Scripps Mercy Hospital’s Well‐Being Center Learn effective strategies for identifying, managing, and de‐escalating crises in the foster care environment. This class covers [...]

Online | Developmental Stages and Effects of Child Abuse and Neglect-Teens (12-21 years)
Description: In this workshop, you will engage your creativity while learning about typical adolescent development, typical challenging behaviors they might show, the developmental purpose those [...]

In Person | QPI Training: Lived Experience Panel
In collaboration with Child and Family Well-Being (CFWB) This inspiring training will provide the opportunity to hear from social workers in San Diego County [...]

En Línea | La Explotación Sexual Comercial de Niños (CSEC)
Instructores: Heidi Blue, MSW El cuidado de crianza es un conducto para la explotación comercial y sexual de los niños. ¡Solo en el condado de [...]

Online | Trauma Triggers: How They Get In, Get Activated, and Can Get Treated or Deprogrammed
Description: You’ve seen what happens when trauma triggers get pushed. Now dive under the surface, to understand what happens biochemically as trauma triggers get wired [...]

Online | Managing a Budget when Income is Variable and Paying for College
In Partnership with Instructors: Taralyn Rose ‐ Manager, Financial Fitness & Coaching at Cal Coast Credit Union Description: In collaboration with Cal Coast Credit Union, [...]

En Línea | Técnicas para Desescalar Situaciones y Manejar Crisis en Entornos de Cuidado Temporal
Instructores: Representantes de Scripps Mercy Hospital’s Well‐Being Center Aprende estrategias efectivas para identificar, manejar y desescalar crisis en el entorno de cuidado temporal. Esta clase [...]

Online | Trauma of Separation and How it Manifests in Developmental Stages
Instructor: Astrid Castro ‐ Adoptee & Founder of Adoption Mosaic Description: This workshop will explore how being separated from birth parents affects adoptees at different [...]