Specialty Classes

Please Note: Certificates will be e-mailed as a PDF documents 2 weeks after the class

All Classes

Online | Yes Brain: Using Brain Science to Solve Children's Behavioral Challenges

Online | Yes Brain: Using Brain Science to Solve Children's Behavioral Challenges

9:00 am - 3:30 pm
Instructors: Nicole Espinosa, LCSW & Kania Webster, Resource/Adoptive Parent Description: Parents want all the good things in life for their children but in today's crazy [...]
Online | It Takes Courage to Be Kind: Using Positive Discipline to Teach Children Kindness and Altruism

Online | It Takes Courage to Be Kind: Using Positive Discipline to Teach Children Kindness and Altruism

6:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Instructors: Heidi Blue, MSW & Carrie Collins, Resource/Adoptive Parent Description: Sometimes children use challenging behaviors to communicate their need for love and attention. This may [...]
Online | Helping Children with Problematic Sexual Behaviors

Online | Helping Children with Problematic Sexual Behaviors

9:30 am - 12:30 pm
Instructors: Roy W. Van Tassell, MS, LPC‐S ‐ Director Trauma and Evidence‐Based Intervention at Centene Corporation Description: About fifteen percent of sexual contact to children [...]
Online | Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children (CSEC)

Online | Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children (CSEC)

6:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Instructor: Amanda Kruse, LCSW Description: Foster care is a pipeline for the Commercial and Sexual Exploitation of Children. In San Diego County alone, it generates [...]
En Línea | Técnica de Mindfulness (Atencion Plena)

En Línea | Técnica de Mindfulness (Atencion Plena)

9:00 am - 12:00 pm
Instructores: Gisella Gomez, MSW y Emma Martinez-Tidmore, Madre de Recursos/Adoptiva Descripción: Esta clase explorará la técnica de “Mindfulness” (atención plena) y cómo este concepto se [...]
Online | Life Skills Development: Teaching Essential Life Skills to Foster Children

Online | Life Skills Development: Teaching Essential Life Skills to Foster Children

6:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Instructors: Representatives from Scripps Mercy Hospital’s Well‐Being Center This presentation aims to equip foster parents with the tools and knowledge to teach essential life skills [...]
Online | From Trauma to Triumph:  A Resource Parents Journey Through The 7 Core Issues - Session 4

Online | From Trauma to Triumph: A Resource Parents Journey Through The 7 Core Issues - Session 4

9:30 am - 12:30 pm
Instructor: Allison Davis Maxon, LMFT About: Allison Davis Maxon is a nationally recognized expert in Complex Developmental Trauma and children’s mental health specializing in Attachment [...]
En Línea | Cómo Enseñar a Tus Hijos Sobre Educación Financiera & Privacidad y Tu Huella Digital

En Línea | Cómo Enseñar a Tus Hijos Sobre Educación Financiera & Privacidad y Tu Huella Digital

9:00 am - 11:00 am
En colaboración con  Instructoras: Yeli Fernandez ‐ Certified Financial Coach at Cal Coast Credit Union & Antonia Villaseñor ‐ Outreach Coordinator at DFPI Descripción: En [...]
Online | Bedtime is a Nightmare! Common Bedtime Hassles & Trauma-Related Sleep Issues

Online | Bedtime is a Nightmare! Common Bedtime Hassles & Trauma-Related Sleep Issues

1:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Description: Getting children to bed on time, asleep, and staying there is one of the most common challenges parents face. Foster children can have sleep [...]
En Línea | Desarrollo de Habilidades para la Vida: Enseñanza de Habilidades Esenciales para la Vida a Niños en Acogida

En Línea | Desarrollo de Habilidades para la Vida: Enseñanza de Habilidades Esenciales para la Vida a Niños en Acogida

6:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Instructores: Representantes de Scripps Mercy Hospital’s Well‐Being Center Esta presentación está diseñada para proporcionar a los Padres de Recursos herramientas clave para enseñar habilidades esenciales [...]
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