Specialty Classes
Please Note: Certificates will be e-mailed as a PDF documents 2 weeks after the class
All Classes

Online | From Trauma to Triumph: A Resource Parents Journey Through The 7 Core Issues - Session 4
Instructor: Allison Davis Maxon, LMFT About: Allison Davis Maxon is a nationally recognized expert in Complex Developmental Trauma and children’s mental health specializing in Attachment [...]

En Línea | Cómo Enseñar a Tus Hijos Sobre Educación Financiera & Privacidad y Tu Huella Digital
En colaboración con Instructoras: Yeli Fernandez ‐ Certified Financial Coach at Cal Coast Credit Union & Antonia Villaseñor ‐ Outreach Coordinator at DFPI Descripción: En [...]

Online | Bedtime is a Nightmare! Common Bedtime Hassles & Trauma-Related Sleep Issues
Description: Getting children to bed on time, asleep, and staying there is one of the most common challenges parents face. Foster children can have sleep [...]

En Línea | Desarrollo de Habilidades para la Vida: Enseñanza de Habilidades Esenciales para la Vida a Niños en Acogida
Instructores: Representantes de Scripps Mercy Hospital’s Well‐Being Center Esta presentación está diseñada para proporcionar a los Padres de Recursos herramientas clave para enseñar habilidades esenciales [...]

En Línea | Disciplina Positiva ‐ Niños Pequeños
Instructores: Gisella Gomez, MSW Descripción: Que los participantes aprendan cómo usar la disciplina positiva con niños pequeños usando métodos fáciles, respetuosos, amables, eficientes y que [...]

Online | Trauma Informed Redirections and Discipline for Problematic Behaviors
Description: This workshop will help to recognize the five types of misbehavior and how to prevent and respond to each type. Families will learn how [...]

En Línea | Seguridad Con El Internet: Proteger a Los Niños en la Era Digital
Instructores: Israel Lefebre, CFWB Protective Services Worker & Hiliana Mendoza, Madre de Recursos/Adoptiva Descripción: Este taller equipará a los padres con el conocimiento, las habilidades [...]

Online | Mastering the Maze: Essential Forms for Resource Parents
Instructors: Patty Boles, Resource/Adoptive Parent Description: Navigating the world of Resource Parenting can be overwhelming, especially when it comes to managing the essential forms and [...]

Online | Mindfulness As A Path To Inner and Outer Happiness
Instructor: Bettina Heitmann, Mindfulness Meditation Teacher Description: Brain research confirms the power of mindfulness to affect and change our level of well‐being and happiness. Mindfulness [...]

Online | Tear Soup
Instructors: Nicole Espinosa, LCSW & Jeanne Schwertfeger, Resource/Adoptive Parent Description: Children in foster care and adoption suffer many losses. Itis essential that children get the [...]