Adoption Preparation Classes

These classes focus on certain aspects of adoption issues, but most of them are also appropriate to use for ongoing training for all foster parents. You are welcome to take any of them by registering at the 800# where you will receive information about locations. Be aware that some are very specific such as the infertility class which is for parents experiencing infertility issues and the kinship class which is for those people planning to adopt a relative’s child.

***In addition to these classes, there is an 18-hour series of ongoing training called Attachment Parenting, which fulfills two (2) topics of the Adoption Specialty class requirement. To view the Attachment Parenting series schedule, click here.***

Please Note: Certificates are e-mailed as PDF documents 2 weeks after taking the class.

Clases de Preparacion para Adopcion

Estas clases se enfocan en ciertos aspectos de cuestiones de adopción, pero la mayoría de ellas también califican para cumplir con las horas de entrenamiento requeridas para todos los padres de crianza. Usted es bienvenido a tomar cualquiera de ellas, registrándose en el #800 donde recibirá información sobre las ubicaciones. Tenga en cuenta que algunas clases son muy específicas como la clase de infertilidad que es para los padres que están experimentando problemas de infertilidad y la clase de parentesco que es para aquellas personas que planean adoptar a un niño de un pariente.

***Además de estas clases, hay una serie de clases continuas de 18 horas llamada ‘El Apego entre Padres e Hijos‘, que cumple con dos (2) temas del requisito de las clases de Especializadas en el tema de Adopción. Para ver el horario de la serie El Apego entre Padres e Hijos, haz clic aquí.***

Nota: Los certificados se envían por correo electrónico como documentos PDF 2 semanas después de tomar la clase.

All Classes

Online | Adoptive Parent Panel

Online | Adoptive Parent Panel

6:00 pm - 9:00 pm
A panel of adoptive parents will share their perceptions about identity issues for adoptees, raising adopted children, searches and reunions with birth parents, etc. Questions [...]
Online | Adopting After Infertility

Online | Adopting After Infertility

6:00 pm - 9:00 pm
This class is for couples who are experiencing infertility only Designed for people with infertility issues who are planning to adopt. It will examine grief [...]
Online | Adoption in the Movies

Online | Adoption in the Movies

6:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Get your family talking about adoption naturally through the magic of films.  Movies about adoption help all members of the family explore the pain and [...]
Online | Kinship Adoption

Online | Kinship Adoption

6:00 pm - 9:00 pm
This class is for relatives adopting only Designed for those adopting a relative’s child. This class explores life changes, changing roles, and relationships with birth [...]
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In addition to these classes, there is another 18-hour series class in ongoing training that can meet the Adoption topic requirements: ATTACHMENT PARENTING