Specialty Classes

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All Classes

Online | Open Hearted Adoption

Online | Open Hearted Adoption

6:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Description: Navigating open adoptions can be very overwhelming and complex. Openness in adoption can bring up a lot of questions and fears in families. In [...]
Online | The Caregiver Approach to Adolescent Development: How to Support Normalcy for Adolescents in Foster Care

Online | The Caregiver Approach to Adolescent Development: How to Support Normalcy for Adolescents in Foster Care

9:30 am - 12:30 pm
Guest Speakers Gayathri (Gaya) Chelvakumar, MD, MPH is an attending physician in the Division of Adolescent and Young Adult Medicine at Rady Children’s Hospital and [...]
Online | Suicide Prevention

Online | Suicide Prevention

6:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Instructors: Representatives from Scripps Mercy Hospital’s Well Being Foster children can experience traumatic episodes that can lead to negative thoughts such as suicide. This course [...]
En Línea | La Explotación Sexual Comercial de Niños (CSEC)

En Línea | La Explotación Sexual Comercial de Niños (CSEC)

6:00 pm - 9:00 pm
 El entrenamiento revelará la dinámica psicológica que lleva al maltrato y victimización de los niños por los traficantes sexuales. Se profundizará completamente sobre el trauma complejo del abuso [...]
Online | Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children (CSEC)

Online | Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children (CSEC)

6:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Description: Foster care is a pipeline for the Commercial and Sexual Exploitation of Children. In San Diego County alone, it generates over $800 million each [...]
Online | Taking Care of You! The Importance of Self Care in the Work of Caregiving/Parenting

Online | Taking Care of You! The Importance of Self Care in the Work of Caregiving/Parenting

11:00 am - 1:30 pm
Guest Speaker Laura Ornelas, LCSW Description: Parenting children is hard work. Parenting those who have experienced loss and trauma can be even more challenging. Getting [...]
Online | Helping Children Heal and Connect Through Stories, Songs and Movies

Online | Helping Children Heal and Connect Through Stories, Songs and Movies

9:00 am - 3:30 pm
Description: Many foster children don’t know their life story as the trauma they have experienced clouds their view. The use of literature, songs and movies [...]
Online | How Beliefs Shape Resilience: The Influence of our Thoughts on Behaviors and Emotions

Online | How Beliefs Shape Resilience: The Influence of our Thoughts on Behaviors and Emotions

9:30 am - 12:30 pm
Guest Instructor: Andy Pierce, Master Resilience Expert & iBounce Up Founder Description: Facilitated by Resilience Expert, Andy Pierce, who trains elite Army Soldiers, educators, teens, [...]
En Línea | Disciplina Positiva Para Niños Pequeños

En Línea | Disciplina Positiva Para Niños Pequeños

6:00 pm - 8:30 pm
Instructora: Gisella Gomez, MSW Descripción: La Disciplina Positiva es una forma de educar a los niños basada en el respeto mutuo, el cariño y la comprensión, [...]
Online | Brainstorm: The Adolescent Brain

Online | Brainstorm: The Adolescent Brain

9:00 am - 3:30 pm
Instructors: Donna Boissiere, LCSW/Adoptive Parent & Carrie Collins, Resource/Adoptive Parent Description: Turn one of the most challenging developmental periods in your children’s lives ‐ the adolescent [...]
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