Attachment Parenting

Most children in foster care have experienced disruptions in attachment formation due to child abuse, neglect and/or multiple placements. Traditional parenting, which relies upon a strong attachment, doesn’t work well with them. Come get an understanding of the way they see life and how you can alter your parenting techniques to accommodate their unique life experiences and current need. A NEW WAY TO DISCIPLINE AND RELATE!

Topics Include:

  • Attachment
  • Developmental Parenting
  • Therapeutic Parenting
  • Positive Discipline Through Attachment

Note: The 18-hour Attachment Parenting series can be taken in place of two (2) Adoption Specialty class requirements

Certificates are e-mailed as PDF documents 2 weeks after taking the class

El Apego entre Padres e Hijos

La mayoría de los niños en cuidado de crianza han experimentado interrupciones en la formación del apego debido a negligencia, abuso y/o colocaciones múltiples. Las familias que brindan cuidado tradicional basado en un apego fuerte, no funciona bien con ellos. Vengan a aprender sobre la manera que ellos ven la vida y como usted puede modificar sus técnicas de crianza para satisfacer las experiencias de vida y necesidades actuales del niño. UNA NUEVA FORMA DE DISCIPLINAR Y RELACIONAR!

Temas incluidos:

  • El apego
  • El desarrollo paternal
  • La terapia paternal
  • Disciplina Positiva a través del apego

Nota: La serie de El Apego entre Padres e Hijos de 18 horas puede tomarse en lugar de dos (2) requisitos de las clases Especializadas en el tema de Adopción.

Los certificados se envían por correo electrónico como documentos PDF 2 semanas después de tomar la clase.

All Classes

Online | Attachment Parenting 1

Online | Attachment Parenting 1

6:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Series of 6 Monday/Tuesday/Thursday - October & November 15, 17, 21, 28, 04, 07 Instructors: Adoption Social Worker, Therapist, Adoptive Parent Most children in out-of-home [...]
Online | Attachment Parenting 2

Online | Attachment Parenting 2

6:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Series of 6 Monday/Tuesday/Thursday - October & November 15, 17, 21, 28, 04, 07 Instructors: Adoption Social Worker, Therapist, Adoptive Parent Most children in out-of-home [...]
Online | Attachment Parenting 3

Online | Attachment Parenting 3

6:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Series of 6 Monday/Tuesday/Thursday - October & November 15, 17, 21, 28, 04, 07 Instructors: Adoption Social Worker, Therapist, Adoptive Parent Most children in out-of-home [...]
Online | Attachment Parenting 4

Online | Attachment Parenting 4

6:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Series of 6 Monday/Tuesday/Thursday - October & November 15, 17, 21, 28, 04, 07 Instructors: Adoption Social Worker, Therapist, Adoptive Parent Most children in out-of-home [...]
Online | Attachment Parenting 5

Online | Attachment Parenting 5

6:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Series of 6 Monday/Tuesday/Thursday - October & November 15, 17, 21, 28, 04, 07 Instructors: Adoption Social Worker, Therapist, Adoptive Parent Most children in out-of-home [...]
Online | Attachment Parenting 6

Online | Attachment Parenting 6

6:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Series of 6 Monday/Tuesday/Thursday - October & November 15, 17, 21, 28, 04, 07 Instructors: Adoption Social Worker, Therapist, Adoptive Parent Most children in out-of-home [...]