boy rides on rope swing while father looks on
Online | North County Support Group - Parenting Sexualized Children

Online | North County Support Group – Parenting Sexualized Children


6:00 pm - 8:00 pm


0000 Zoom , San Diego
Map Unavailable

Meets 2nd Wednesday of the month

***No meeting in December 2024***

Support Group Leader: Rhonda Oliver

Parenting Sexualized Children- As a parent or caregiver of a child or youth who has a known or suspected history of being sexually abused, you may feel confused about the impact of the abuse and uncertain about how you can help. However, it is important to understand that children and youth who have been abused need to feel safe and loved in nurturing homes. As a parent or caregiver, you can play a central role in your child’s healing process, as well as in “building resilience,” which strengthens your child’s ability to adapt to or cope with adversity. This class will discuss normal sexual development, the special needs of sexualized children, recommended treatment for sexually abused children, and accessing resources that can help in your child’s healing process.

Registration will close on Wednesday, October 9, 2024, at 7 am 

***Please Note: This class will be facilitated on the Zoom platform.

Internet access and access to a computer/laptop/tablet/smartphone is required to attend.

The link to attend this class will be provided on the day of class.

Please follow the link below for a brief tutorial on how to sign up for a free Zoom account.

Zoom User Guide

Register Here


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Booking Summary

x Standard Ticket
Total Price